2006 Articles
2006 Articles
2006 Articles

From the
farm to the
dinner table

Traveling Exhibit explores
America’s food culture


Film Festival

Festival returns to
new venue at Oldham 8

Celebrating 50
Years of
Community Theater

Little Colonel Playhouse
takes center stage


Taking Pride
in preservation

Marketing Madison’s
Landmark District
a challenge, officials say

local history

Osgood historical markers
to be dedicated at
September festival


Oldham County
Society Gala

This year's event to
honor Snell, a 'true
champion of history'

Broken Wings
Madison model airplane
club to hold annual
fly-in at JPG


Playing pioneers
Re-enactor Curry to
participate in NMLRA's
Friendship Fall Shoot

Visual history
JCHS’ Grimes co-authors
book featuring images
of Madison’s past


past heroes

Madison Visitors Center
memorial pays tribute
to five Union Soldiers

Promoting the arts
New book on Indiana's
artists features two of
area's oil painters


Valuable assets
TV’s ‘Cash in the Attic’
appraiser Luke to make
stop in Madison

Tracking spirits
La Grange Ghost Tours
back by popular demand


Oldham Arts
Studio Tour

New driving tour debuts
with goal of promoting
local artists

River Daze

Lewis and Clark
Bicentennial event
docks at Westport


local talent

Henry County Arts &
Craft Guild enters its
seventh year

Blues to the Point
Former Jimmy Buffet
bandmate headlines
Blues at the Point


Playing pioneers
225th anniversary
marks historic event
in Shelby County


Trimble library exhibit
features Smith family’s
unique creations


Trimble County
Apple Festival

16th annual event
draws a crowd for music,
food, crafts

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