
Bedford Bash

Car show helps make
annual event colorful

Proceeds benefit Trimble Co. Emergency Search Unit

BEDFORD, Ky. (August 2015) – The 26th annual Bedford Bash will be held this year beginning at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7, at the Bedford Loan and Deposit Bank parking lot with a safari theme. The Bash also includes the ninth annual car show, presented by the Trimble County Emergency Search Unit.
“This is the one and only fundraiser for the search and rescue team, so it is a big deal to us,” said Tommy Flynn, show organizer.

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Car collectors will show
off their rides at the
Bedford Bash on Aug. 7.

The car show will be from 5-8 p.m. There were 76 cars entered into the show last year. The cost to enter is $15.
“Our goal is to raise about $1,000 to $1,100, which is about what we had last year,” said Flynn.
The money made from the car show will go to the non-profit Search Unit. They use it for their search van, equipment and other expenses, he said. The group is made up of all volunteers and is totally self-supported.
The rescue team is called in when a person goes missing anywhere in Trimble County, and sometimes in Jefferson and Carroll counties.
“When you enter the car show, you are also entered into the drawing for door prizes that we will have every 15 minutes for up to $500 dollars,” said April Craig, Bash coordinator.
The car show is judged by the car club members themselves, and there are several awards in honor of the late Trimble County Sheriff Howard Long, deputy Denny Long and others who served the departments in the county.
“I am pretty excited for the Bash. I think we are well prepared and every year is a learning experience,” said Flynn.
The Bedford Bash will also include the band Six Miles South performing 7 p.m.
The event also will feature the Bedford Fire Department’s famous fish fry. The Bedford Rotary Club will provide hamburgers and hotdogs.
“The local merchants each donated $40 to become a sponsor,” Craig said. “That money will go toward the door prizes for both the kids and adult drawings.”
There will be several other booths set up, such as the Trimble County Cross Country Team with a bake sale, and the basketball team will have a basketball shooting booth.
The Trimble County youth, middle and high school cheerleaders will also be performing, starting at 6:30 p.m.
The Bash includes a dance contest with the winner receiving a $50 cash prize.
“It is all for family fun,” said Craig, “Everyone should come and bring a lawn chair, eat, listen to music and see the cars.”

• For more information, call April Craig at (502) 255-3287.

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